Ready, Set, Support
We’re here to help you have the most fun – in the easiest, fastest and safest ways.
Use our Funsicle Support Center to quickly find helpful information and how-to’s on everything from product registration, warranty claims and return policies, to quick start guides, user manuals, video tutorials, and FAQs.
Let's Talk
- HOURS OF OPERATIONMon-Fri: 8:00am to 5:00pm MST
Saturday & Sunday: Closed - EMAIL
- TELEPHONEUS Customers: 888-670-4FUN
Register Your Product
Join the Product Party -- Register for Support Perks and Peace of Mind! REGISTER
Warranty Information
Discover How Our Warranty Armor Shields Your Purchase. SUBMIT A CLAIM
Product Returns
Returns: Because Good Vibes Matter Most!RETURN POLICY
Order Updates & Tracking
From Click to Kickin' it at Your Doorstep: Tracking Your Funsicle Order!TRACK ORDER